Bigg Boss Tamil the reality show, the show had been a platform for the struggler to show up their talent and create their own image in the industry. Bigg Boss 3 Tamil is a new season with so many new faces and some are known faces.
See: Bigg Boss Tamil Online Vote
Kasturi was given a chance to stay in the house although she gets evicted, Kamal Hassan offered her that she can stay in the house but she had to live in the secret room for some days. Kasturi was a wild card entry who gets evicted within 17 days.
Kasturi is the ninth contestant to get evicted from the show. Before this Fathima Babu, Mohan Vaidya, Meera, Vanitha, Abirami, Sakshi, Madhumita and Sarvannan were evicted from the show.
It was for the first time that the makers had given any such offer to the contestant to stay in the house. It might be done for gaining the interest of the people and also they want to increase the TRP of the show.
But Kasturi didn’t seem to like this offer and she chose to get evicted instead of continuing the show. It was a quick decision about what she had taken many people were happy with what she did.
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